by LennartS, published
This is a dice tower for all dice playing board games. The gate can be lifted up so the dices do not roll on the table.
Created with solidworks.
Printer Brand: Ultimaker
Printer: Ultimaker 2
Rafts: No
Supports: No
Resolution: 0.15mm
Infill: 20%
Update: Version 2 is up.
Printed on UM2 with 0.15mm layer PLA and ABS. Remove support when done. Took about 22 hours to make.
Castle_dice_tower_torture_test.STL is a torture test about 10 cm in height without buildtin support.
Castle_w_top_w_support.STL is a full size dice tower with a larger platform at top and with builtin support. (recommended download)
Castle_no_top_w_support.STL is full size without the top and with support for the arc.
Castle_w_top_no_support.STL is a full size dice tower without the support structure in the arc.