by SLCJedi, published
Here you have the Anti-Materiel Rifle from Fallout New Vegas. BOOYA!
The model was pulled from the actual game files and scaled to the length of a Barrett M82 with long barrel, because bigger is better! Since all of the round bits were low-poly, I made them real cylinders/balls so they would be cleaner and more realistic. I then broke it down into bits that should be printable on many printers. The max length of the longest part, a barrel section, is 208mm. The clip is removable and has one file with the top of a round in it, and another without. I also included files for the clip receiver that have the relief for the clip with round (MainBody2withRound_fixed.stl) as well as one without (MainBody2_fixed.stl). So there are doubles of those files. Choose accordingly.
I also included a file of the whole thing for reference and a .50 round in case you want to print some for a belt/bandoleer and look like a real hard-ass who is prepared for some battle!
Now go fourth and cleanse the Wastelands!