An attempt to make a Sketchup model from Stetchup Warehouse 3D printable. I think it worked :)
I attached sketchup files so you can modify as you need.
Use Thunderbird4-Exterior-whole.skp file just to see how the model looks like. If you want to modify anything use Thunderbird4-Exterior.skp file.
I had to make my own grills, they are in Thunderbird4-Exterior.skp file.
You will need
3x side-and-top-exhausts.stl
2x intake-for-motor.stl for each motor
6x intake-for-exhaust.stl two for each side of side-and-top-exhausts.stl
everything else is self explanatory. Red stripes and windshield are painted with acrylic color. Look at the pics and have fun (with kids) when building and painting it.
Link to original model