by Kart5a, published
Patent pending world widely!!!
Smart and cool way to tie your shoes fast.
Why are Klöts better than normal shoelaces?
It is faster way to tie your shoes.
They look personal and cool.
They will always stay at the same tension. (Super useful for sports)
There is no unnecessary ends of shoelaces hanging.
Fully customizable
!!! Remember to thread Klöts flat side pointing up for best results !!!
There are 3 different models available:
Klöts 3 - For small shoes and kids shoes
Klöts 4 - For average sized shoes
Klöts 5 - For big shoes and boots
Added strips to make Klöts look even cooler and more personal.
How to use?
Print Klöts (and strips)
(1.2 Super glue strips in place)
Undo your shoelaces
Thread shoelaces through Klöts
Make sure that the tension is right
In the end make really tight knots
Put the rest of your shoelaces into the shoes.