MechWarrior 4 Mercenaries - Fafnir based of my paper model plans. I know nothing about mech scales so I was not too sure how tall to make the Fafnir. I found a pic of a another modeler of a Fafnir next to an Atlas and the Fafnir appeared to be a little shorter than the Atlas. I am guessing because its a chicken leg design and not a humanoid like the Atlas.
I have been printing Minimalistix's mechs so I scaled the Fafnir which I hope is good enough. (It is just under 10cm tall).
Monoprice Mini
The Fafnir I printed i ended up splitting the torso in the center as I had a horrid time with supports if I lay it flat on the bad. Just use Windows 3D builder if you want to split yours too as I have not included mine.
Included is also the complete model if you want to use it for scale reference etc.