This is a bust of Nikola Tesla, remixed from the original bust published by mushogenshin. Size is 170mm tall.
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Your mileage may vary on print settings, but I achieved my best results in Simplify 3D using a 3-process print
Plinth up to chin height were printed at 0.2mm layer height. Chin up to hair line were printed at 0.1mm and hair line to top were printed at 0.075mm
I used approximately 60mm/s print speed with various slow down percentages per process setting. Obviously the finer the resolution, the slower the print.
Infill was set to 15% for first two print settings and 20% for the op of the head, as I had holes on a prior print attempt.
Supports were set to 3mm resolution
Pics of printed bust were done in Ziro Marble PLA @225 extruder, 65 printbed. (with 70 degree printbed for initial layer.)
The plinth with name plate were added to the original bust in Tinkercad, then the entire mesh was run through MeshMixer to fix some non-manifold areas and a few other minor issues. The original but had an issue where the ears were too thin to be sliced properly, so I had to thicken them up in MeshMixer. Had to jump back and forth between MeshMixer and my slicer a few times to get it right.
Dimensions were set in MeshMixer to a 170mm height with plinth resized proportionally.