A friend of mine asked me to build him a small storage case for things out of a Star Wars Destroyer. I used the Interdictor-Class Star Destroyer by Dantesgift has a starting point.
Since I only own a TronXY X1 I splitted the model in parts to be able to print it has big that I could. There are some parts of the source STL that Solidworks couldn't fix, but they are within the model and the outter shells are good.
There are for locator pins so you can move the model around a bit. you can also drill them out to put magnets in.
Tronxy X1
Doesn't Matter
Since I don't have a dual extruder I had to figure out how to have supports that are the least apain to remove. I Printed the Bottom Front standing up with a raft. For the Bottom Rear, I suggest printing it the reactors pointed to the top so it reduces the amount of supports needed and for safety to have the most supportt. For the top I printed it the Tower the closest to the build plate. But once you remove the supports you must be really carefull in not removing parts of the thrusters because they're really thin.