Me and a friend both modeled Skyrim's Mehrunes' Razor as a sort of self-imposed challenge. If you can, I suggest checking out Hello5777's version of Mehrune's Razor as well.
For printing, I have included the cuts that I used. I have a CR-10 which has a build volume of 300mm x 300mm x 400mm and it fits within my printer. If it does not fit in your printer, I have included the full models of the dagger and the scabbard for you to cut how you want.
The blades are in half so print two of them, but print one of everything else if you're using my cuts
Printer Brand:
60% for blade: 20% everything else
Supports are MOSTLY unneeded. The only thing that needs support is the Top part of the Scabbard. Everything else should print fine on the average printer.
If you're using a CR-10 or any other printer with a 300 x 300 mm buildplate, you'll need to turn off skirts in order to get the blade part to fit. It also needs to be rotated diagonally by 45 degrees so that it fits from corner to corner.