Remix of the Pyro GX uploaded by Cae2100 for easier printing without supports. (and scaled up)
Note: that the guns WILL be weaker printed in this position, specially if you scale it down. I had no troubles with my full scale ABS model, but my smaller printed PLA version had 3 of the 4 break while cleaning up the flash and such.
also I noticed while printing that the missile pods are not actually attached, however they were so close that at both models I printed they wouldn't break free so I wasn't worried.
I did have an issue with the nose of the ship printing detached.. if anyone else notices any odd issues with printing please let me know and I'll run the model through a repair and re-upload!
IF you love Descent you should look up Overload, it's a faithful remake of the game (seriously feels like the SAME GAME) by the same developers but with modern graphics.