Albatros DIII for microarmor
I'm really proud of this one as I was able to get the individual struts, etc.
I don't think I will do any more like this, though.... too fiddley; solid 'struts' should look good enough
I think its time to get better cooling for my printer.
model in full dimensions in blender 2.79b and scaled to 1/100 for the .stl file
scale down to 35% in the slicer.
Because I have a .4mm nozzle and I want two layers for everything, I can only go down to .8mm for thicknesses without making print orientation a major thing.
for 1/285 scale, the smallest thing I can print is ~228mm full scale.
hmm ... maybe the struts, which are really thin by comaprison, don't even have to be there to have a semi-decent look.
as usual, the dice are 15mm for reference
if I can't print it, I don't post it.