by Martin8
When I started with ZBrush, I thought of what to do as a first sculpt. Humans are difficult, I thought - slightly skewed proportions and you have a zombie. So why not start with a monster from the beginning?
So I started with the alien gargoyle. It turned out much more difficult as expected, as the bio-mechanical giger-esque style required much more advanced techniques (like the insert mesh brush) than a mere human would have.
The alien gargolye design was created by David Lindsay from Stoneworks in 1993. You can see his original design and some sketches in the gallery on his company webpage:
Also some background story on this particular gargolye:
I started in ZBrush based on these images. Unfortunately, the ZBrush version I was using at that time required dynameshing everything together in order to have a single 3D-printable hull. Dynamesh however creates massive mesh defects, particularly with structures like the ribbed hoses Giger liked to put into his designs. I really had a lot of work fixing many of the defects and finally was able to fix it to a level so Slic3rPE would accept it.
Printed on a Prusa i3 MK3 with silver PLA. You'll need supports of course, and if you can print soluble supports, this really pays off here. I couldn't and had quite some work cleaning up the support structures.