by UrbanAtWork, published
The idea behind this model is simple: We as 3D printer enthusiasts all use too much plastic. So to try and strike a balance, I endeavor to use less plastics in other areas in my life.
This modern styled bottle inverter helps you to use up every last drop of "product" from your plastic bottles before sending them to be recycled. It of course is make of plastic but the fewer bottles one needs to purchase the less plastic used.
Take the Customizer for a spin and see if you can save some product, money and plastic.
NOTE: I've got an update in the works to make the sizes make more real world sense.
Printer Brand: MakerBot
Printer: MakerBot Replicator 2X
Rafts: No
Supports: Yes
Resolution: 0.2
Infill: 10-15%