I downloaded CATIAV5FTW's Fan without supports and imported it into Fusion360 where I then managed to modify it to fit two 608 bearings. I then proceeded to create the cone and base to my liking.
I printed it and realised some issue which I could fix with a bit of trimming but have now hopefully corrected those issues in the Model.
BoM (Bill of Materials)
2 x free running 608 bearings (buy new or use from a fidget spinner)
For maximum enjoyment ensure bearings spin smoothly.
Sello Tape (narrow Packing Tape) to apply to Cone Shaft to improve the fit between components if necessary.
Open the Fusion 360 model file and edit the Cone component. Under its sketches is a sketch called "Pen Insert Revolve Sketch". This is the sketch you will want to edit. Either use a vernier to get your pens dimensions or get your model to an approximate 1:1 scale on screen and hold up the pen to the screen and adjust the sketch accordingly to the shape of your pen. Take note to also not make the hole too shallow.