by amagni
The original XPS model I used has been taken down, but this one should be about the same:
For the last few weeks I've been dealing with a bug in the latest version of 3D Builder that prevents it from repairing models, which has stopped me from being able to make these game characters printable in many cases. There are some workarounds, but Nico here was resistant to all of them, probably due to the many disconnected surfaces in that messy hair of hers.
After some playing around I found that the top half of the model would slice OK when scaled up, so I decided to cut off the bottom and just make a bust.
The STL still throws up some warnings when I open it, but it printed alright for me.
I've included the full version of the model in case anyone wants to try it out, let me know if it prints.
Jaycar TL4100
Painted with Citadel model paints and Vallejo flesh tones.
Rather than just paint the hair black and lose all the detail, I painted it Eshin Grey (dark grey) and then gave it a wash with Reikland Fleshshade (a dark red ink).