by XDr4g0nX
'It’s-a Me, Mario!'
A nice 3D printed mario in multi color, but then for those that only have a single nozzle and don't have a fancy filament splitter of some wirts.
The print will be flipped in the end because it will be printed face down, so if you want Mario facing left in the end you have to mirror the models.
I included the serperate models for all parts, but also a model that includes all models alligned but they need separating in your slicer (not all slicers support this).
Gemstock MK2 - Almandine
Doesn't Matter
Doesn't Matter
0.20mm layer height
Filament: REAL PLA Black / White / Red / Blue / Yellow / Brown / Pink
Print every model without outlines and only a single layer at a time, swapping filament and purging your nozzle in between prints with the new colors.
Use all models combined to print a solid backing to strengthen the print after the first layer.