by norbarth, published
This was originally designed by ROTO I think (DOOR AND WINDOW SYSTEMS)... after many years, my door holder have broken, so I made a replacement. I have significantly modified the original design to be 3D printable.
I have loaded 3 files: door1, door2 if you want to print them separately maybe different colors, or door1_door2 together. The files are already in printable position.
Update 22.02.2016 !!!
Added file door2_with ring.stl just in case you don't have a handle on the outside to open the anti mosquito door/window. You don't need both, print or the door2.stl or the door2_with ring.
Print the thing with 3 shells, 0.4 nozzle diameter.
Infill 50% or more
Printer: Flashforge Dreamer
Rafts: No
Supports: No
Resolution: 0.2
Infill: 50% or more
if 0.4 nozzle is used, use 3 shells