De Wikipedia: "Ronaldo Ramos Caiado (Anápolis, 25 de setembro de 1949) é um médico e político brasileiro. Filiado ao Democratas (DEM), é o atual governador do Estado de Goiás. Formado em medicina e com especialização em ortopedia, Caiado é membro de uma família de produtores rurais com forte presença na política de Goiás desde meados do século XIX. Entre 1986 e 1989, presidiu a União Democrática Ruralista, entidade que visa defender interesses dos produtores rurais."
Governor Caiado is a Brazilian politician from the State of Goiás, Brazil. He was born in Anapolis and trained as an orthopedist. His family is historically important in the development of the rural areas of the state.
This very stately design comes into the catalog through an unusual channel - a gig platform. As a result, the artist name will only be available if he or she chooses to reveal him or herself (which this person is more than welcome to do at any time and it would be a pleasure to promote this person). The design was commissioned by me, for the Central Goiania Art Project that I'm developing with the aim of bringing Goianese art to public spaces in Setor Central and beyond.