by iamchrismoran, published
This is a model of the golden snitch from the Harry Potter/Quidditch world. It's wings are to the back, instead of the commonly displayed side extension. Printing it upside down so the wings rest on the platter, you might not need supports.
I printed in PLA, but if done in ABS, the acetone method for smoothing might have a good result. I haven't tried it yet.
Printer: Qidi Tech 1
Rafts: No
Supports: No
Resolution: .1mm
I originally printed this on a Solidoodle. I don't know the settings used nor the type of filament. The person who printed it for me had to babysit it so it didn't sag, but this was a few years ago. Scale it to the size you want.
I mostly used sculpt mode in Blender 3D