by karl_phobit
This is a model of a Deep One Hybrid from the Lightless Beacon scenario for the Call of Cthulhu role playing game.
From the text:
"Deep one hybrids are the progeny of deep one and human matings. Although the offspring of such unions are usually born as normal humans, changes in appearance and
physiology tend to occur in late teens—commonly known as the “Innsmouth Look.” By middle age, most hybrids display some form of gross deformity and such individuals
retire to the privacy of their close-shuttered homes. Within a few years, the hybrid undergoes the final transformation into a deep one and embarks on a new life in the sea."
The head was created from scratch in SculptGL. The body was created in DesktopHero3D (old version) and modified in SculptGL. Final simplification and scaling was completed in TinkerCAD.
The model was printed on it's back with the face upwards. Printed with supports, took appx 30 mins at 0.2mm. The model was glued onto a standard 25mm GW base (also printed).
Please excuse the basic paint job.