by SparkBibo
I have printed almost all of Jabberwock's GI Joe models and I have a nice display down in my work room. He always says in his info that he modeled them at 100% toy size, but that we should print them at 25% for best results. This is all fine and good, except I want full size! I have a printer and what the hell, might as well.
The gun actually moves, just like the original PEW PEW!
Parts List
Axle x2 w/Supports
Chassis w/Supports (change "Support Z Distance" to 0.4)
HeatSink x2
RollBars w/Supports
TowBar w/Supports
Basket w/Supports
GasCan x2
GunBarrel x2
GunBottom w/Supports, w/Brim
GunStand w/Supports
GunTop w/Supports, w/Brim
Hitch (Use Cura rotate button #3 to align bottom with build plate)
Rim x4 w/Supports
Tire x4
June 24, 2020
Added Version 2 of GunBottom and GunStand that use a slightly different connection method. The original can be very tough to attach together.
Print Settings
Printer brand:
Ender 3 Pro
Usually I use eSun Olive Green, but have been unable to get eSun during Covid. One of the few filaments AMazon still had was Solutech Army Green. I prefer the eSun. In the first picture, the little VAMP was printed in eSun the large one in Solutech. The Solutech has a glossy finish which I think looks like crap.