Easy to print BT 7 with either treads on or off, and a howitzer (BT 7a) or standard turret, 1/100 scale, will want some greebling if scaled up. Some details have been changed for looks/ printability. The turret pivot may be a little tight and might want some sanding/ reaming (the file looks fine, but my prints didn't fit right...).
Apparently these goofy tanks had user removal treads, and while an apparently completely unused feature in the field, it was just too weird to not model.
In the picture the wheeled body(left) has the standard turret, and the treaded body has the short barrel howitzer. The files have all four combos.
Scale by 1.56 for gaslands / hotwheels / 1/64
Scale by 1.786 for 28mm / 1/56