by rkxone
I wanted to build the original tron tank but there were just so many issues I spent the morning and part of the afternoon rebuilding it and fixing it
What's fixed:
all scale in the parts has been unified to best match the movie
Fixed 90% of the void model issues in the turret
recombined the turret and split it in a way that prints easier and better
new swivel setup (completely removed the washer setup which was too thin
What's rebuilt:
Tank Treads & Spacers:
Scaled the tank tread spacers
Rebuilt both spacers and treads, flattened the inside edges for attaching to the body and spacers
put in new cutouts for the new turret swivel
Removed the spacer setup and put a deeper cutout into the body and a post under the turret
scale fixed
The turret:
ugh it was a 4 piece split build, I dunno why,
rejoined all the pieces
fixed 90% of the void issues (still gives a model error but prints fine now)
scale fixed
split the turret in half in a way that makes more sense and is easier to assemble (the front lip prints too thin and breaks, but it does not affect assembly or the model. fully tested twice, due to the split this is the compromise here
sealed most of the cannon tube itself now
rebuilt a bunch of the geometry
You will want to do full support for this, but it's only like one tiny piece of the cannon tube that uses it. you can probably get away without it tho its a really tiny bridge
created an post setup for swivelling the canon,
Added tolerances for this, allows for movement and posing or a good adjustment before glue
thickened the turret for a better profile
scaled down and based all the parts scale of this
new inset for the swivel put in
joined the front arrow to the body, I get why it was done this way originally but the layer was so thin it doesn't come out that well
I have included a full body/tread/track assembly, in can anyone wants to print it in one shot solid ,
tolerance for the turret post is slightly off but noting terrible. I havent gotten tolerances down yet (only my 3rd major cad project ever)
the only thing unmodified in this was really just the outer treads, the rest was rebuilt in some way or another.
Hope you enjoy! If you like my work please consider donating :) Please post any makes I would love to see it. I have posted my initial make (before I changed the turret post) I will be printing this out at 150% and putting some nice fill/paint into this one. looks awesome to me at normal size barring my 10 minute paint job but larger will be easier to paint those edge lines.
Print Settings
Print Settings
Printer brand:
Ender 3 Pro
Doesn't Matter
mg chemicals