F11 Tiger super sonic US navy fighter, famous mainly for shooting itself down.
It was deployed to the fleet for only 4 years although it lasted many more years as the plane for the US Navy Blue Angels.
It was good, but not good enough; the F8U Crusader was better.
model in full dimensions in blender 2.82 and exported from blender 2.79b* at 1/100 for the .stl file
scale down to 35% in the slicer.
I've had issues exporting .stl's from 2.82 for Cura; 2.79b and 2.80 export the same mesh to different file sizes, too. So I export the mesh from 2.79b for consistency's sake.
no test print because I'm very lazy, but I'll get around to it in a few days.... maybe
It slices okay in Cura