Nanchang J-12 light weight supersonic interceptor/fighter
An attempt to design/make a fully homegrown plane, but the Chengdu J-7 ( license-built Mig-21 ) had better performance, so development was halted.
Version version the intake shock cone had afterburners
model in full dimensions in blender 2.82 and exported from blender 2.79b* at 1/100 for the .stl file
scale down to 35% in the slicer.
I've had issues exporting .stl's from 2.82 for Cura; 2.79b and 2.80 export the same mesh to different file sizes, too. So I export the mesh from 2.79b for consistency's sake.
no test print because I'm very lazy, but it'll come in the next few days