by rkxone
Ford Fusion gen 2 (2013 model). I have been trying for ages to get a simple to print ford fusion model, so I present this one. I have done my best to fix up the original free file I found through google, correcting the model errors, then bringing the file size down to something workable, then I split off the tires and added axles so that they would be attached, to make this as flat and simple a print as possible I trimmed some of the bottom of the body so it would print 98% without support, you need supports for this regardless for the mirrors unless you split it in have to print. The model does not have a huge amount of detail, it was all I had to work with.
I included 2 sets of tires, one set is trimmed flat for the bottom so that it prints without support, the other set is the higher detail outer rim with angled rim supports to the hub. I imagine they will be a b*tch to print and set, so I put up both sets so you can decide your compromises. You will need to sand the axles to insert into the body, won't take much (or drop the scale a few percent on the wheels on the x,y)
There will be front grille issues, it is what it is.
The mirrors will likely be a pain.
Tires: Thickened the rim spokes
Tip: for scale for the LeMax type xmas village sets scale everything up to about 125-130%
Enjoy! If you enjoy my prints or remixes please consider donating, even a dollar helps :)