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Oktober Guard C.U.B. light tank (GI Joe) 奥托轻型坦克(特种部队)
Oktober Guard C.U.B. light tank (GI Joe)
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by Jabberwock, published

The C.U.B. (Close-quarters Urban Brawler) is a light scout tank used by the Oktober Guard, the Russian equivalent to the Joes.  This vehicle was never an actual toy but I wanted them to have one more type of tank.  I made it up though it's based on a tank called an MT-25.

Printing is straightforward; both parts right-side up with supports.  It's a small model so cleanup shouldn't take too long.

Note: My Makerbot has been broken for a while and I’m not entirely sure what is wrong with it…at this point I’ve resigned myself to simply replace parts until I fix it. I wasn't able to run complete test prints before posting these files (I don't like doing this) but I wanted to do something this weekend commemorate Memorial Day. At some point, hopefully soon, I’ll be posting painted versions of the model.

Much respect and gratitude to the men and women of our Armed Forces (past and present). Your sacrifice allows people like me to live in peace, freedom and make silly little toys like these. It's actually you people who are "the real American heroes" and I'm really, really proud of you.

I created these files and they are free to download. Since I did not copy any existing IP I can set the permissions as I choose.
If you have been re-directed to this file from a source other than my site on thingiverse.com they have done so without my permission.

Happy Gaming