-ripped from one piece: pirate warriors 3 in-game
-edited in blender
-removed necklace, earings, bikini strap, florets, staff, legs, shoes, bangels
-kept eyebrows, hair, eyelashes (somehow i ended up w/ 2 instead of 3 points)
-remodeled 2 armpits and 1 elbow to remove manifold edges
this one was a bit of a disappointment. everything was going so smoothly until i got to the eyes. unfortunately, because her eyes are closed, the eyelids overhang and create a manifold edge while the lashes' vertices don't even line up w/ the rest of the face. i wasted a lot of time on that and ultimately just imported the original lashes and modified them as little as possible, letting netfabb do the rest. also, the triangles in the eye sockets are difficult to add detail to using subsurf--so that looks a bit weird.
i haven't printed this yet, and probably won't for a while until i use up my old bright green filament. so don't print this... i have absolutely no idea how it'll turn out.
this model was subsurface modified at 2x but i can send you a 3x if you really want to print this at a larger size. let me know if you have any questions, issues or recommendations. i'll update this thing once i print it.
Known Issues:
-its a long print, not sure the leg stumps will adhere long enough to your print bed. maybe try rafts
-thin walls are an issue in the hair again... won't notice some strands unless you print big.
-issue where her shirt covers her butt crack (also a thin wall issue) might cause problems.
-maybe the trim around her shorts and bottom of shirt might need supports... not sure.
oh... one last thing. i don't know if i mentioned already that i'm working off the base mesh (sub-mesh) and not the transform (not sure if that's what its called) mesh.
one last thing. i probably should have removed the eyelashes looking at the model now. maybe the eyebrows too.
Doesn't Matter
i haven't printed this yet.. you might as well ignore the print settings for now.