My take on a physical version of the die used in the digital board game, Armello. Had a cockamamey idea of converting the game to a physical version at some point, but eventually decided not to go through with it. Still, these turned out beautifully and thought I should share them.
For those familiar with the game (and why else would you be looking at this otherwise), these were modeled after a mix of the die templates "Pride's Destiny" & "Traitor's Gift".
To make these, print out each die face separately, and simply adhere them to the cube using plastic cement or some other acetone based glue. I printed through 3dHubs, so I don't have all the print settings, but I've included what I can. They do not require supports, and are designed to not require them.
These would likely work out better printing them with a dual extruder, but I was playing the hand I was dealt and am honestly still very unfamiliar with such things.
Printer Brand:
Creator Pro
100 Microns
0.2mm Nozzle
After (painfully) removing them from their rafts, each face required quite a lot of preening and filing to smooth their backs. Also needed a fair amount of filing to make up for the warping.